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  • 无锡市威腾焊管有限公司

     话:  13861515733
    联系人: 朱国栋

      址: 宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号
      址: www.yxbohua.com

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    4. 耐冲击


    The practice of long-term studies have demonstrated that acoustic detecting pipe qualitative particularity, can greatly improve capacity. To go beyond the limit of the acoustic detection tube can not bear the original!
    1. Excellent corrosion resistance: due to the acoustic detection tubes of surface will form a thin layer of protective film, although this protective film is about 3 x 10-6 mm, but very strong, even if be destroyed, as long as having oxygen, can immediately regeneration and prevent rust, as long as know the characteristics of acoustic detecting tube and used correctly, such as pipes or up to 100 ℃ hot water less corrosive conditions, almost don't have to worry about will rust, also need not worry about common in galvanized steel pipe caused by the "bumps" rust phenomenon such as inner diameter decreases or resistance increases, can achieve without blocking the flow of water.
    2. Reliable health and don't have to worry about the red water, green water wait for a phenomenon.
    3. Because of the lighter, easy handling and construction and reduce costs.
    Thin-wall acoustic detection tubes due to the superior corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, you just need to about a third of the galvanized steel pipe thickness. So pipe much lighter in weight, decreases in the cost of handling easier, more convenient to install.
    4. The impact resistance
    5. Distorting: in the construction site, due to the construction site, the limitation of space and construction tools, construction personnel often use acoustic detecting tube plastic pipes and not forced by construction standard construction, therefore, it is necessary to consider distortion factor of pipe and pipe joints. Degree: 270 mm, 250 mm, push plate is 200 mm.

    版权所有:无锡市威腾焊管有限公司 声测管 技术支持:无锡速联科技
    公司地址:江苏省宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号 联系电话:13861515733