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  • 无锡市威腾焊管有限公司

     话:  13861515733
    联系人: 朱国栋

      址: 宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号
      址: www.yxbohua.com

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      1. 声测管在绑缚于桩基的钢筋笼上面时,就应先将声测管的一头一尾用薄钢板焊接密封,以免异物




      3. 声测管一般宜采用钢质管,而PVC管虽然价格便宜,但由于绑扎、水泥水化热等因素的影响而易于



    1. The sound tube tied in the pile foundation of reinforcing cage, it should be the first to the end of the tube a tail with sheet steel welded sealed, avoid foreign bodies
    Fell into the tube plug sound tube;
    2. The sound of steel tube in the coupling, generally adopts welded or threaded connection, don't damage should be paid attention to when welding steel pipe, lest appear the mouth of the cave
    The result of the concrete pouring water slurry infiltration and acoustic detection tube plugging; Threaded connection is should mouth tightly wrapped in silk linen yarn, its purpose is to prevent water
    Slurry infiltration;
    Acoustic detection tube (3) general appropriate USES steel pipe, and PVC pipe although cheap, but as a result of banding, cement hydration heat and the influence of such factors as easily
    Deformation, which eventually led to the up and down movement of the probe can't test, so it should not be commonly use;
    4. The day before pile foundation inspection, then acoustic detecting tube end of thin steel plate removed, construction Fang Kexian acoustic detection tube with a measuring line inspection, check the project


    版权所有:无锡市威腾焊管有限公司 声测管 技术支持:无锡速联科技
    公司地址:江苏省宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号 联系电话:13861515733